Feb 14, 2010

Surviving a Marriage Breakup - Everything You Need to Know on How to Survive a Breakup

Think about the time you got married. Everything was very beautiful, both of you took vows, and thought that a marriage is a smooth journey when two people are in love. You certainly didn't expect a path full of potholes and bumpers. And now you want to learn about how to survive a breakup. And you certainly do not want to go through a divorce. Following are some tips in surviving a breakup:

The first key is to forgive you, God forgives and forgets, and therefore if it is easy for him, then we are still human beings! Forgiveness is the first key to learning. Forgive your partner. It is said that "To err is human and Forgive divine". Forgiving him will only calm you down and will give you sanity to sit coolly with him and talk about what went wrong. Forgiveness is one way by which you will also learn how to accept your faults and move on with him. This is the first method to surviving a break up.

Marriage is not a roller coaster ride that is going to make a leap here and bounce there. An angry mind will always make a fault. This is no teaching, this is reality, both of you have committed a mistake, now it is time to accept it and accept each other and move on. Slow down, when you are angry, do not make things worse. Give each other a break and space to realize your goals, and problems. Here counseling, going for a holiday, or spending sometime together will prove fruitful and will also help you surviving a marriage breakup.

Avoid putting up blame to each other; this is one step which will lead you into a deep bad hole that you've wanted to avoid. Yes, right this is the biggest step for a failure of any marriage. Fighting, putting up blames, calling each other names will not give you any conclusion. The end result will be separation. The best way is to hear each other out. Give each other the time to speak, reason calmly and you will see that there is a way right before you. You will see that your relationship will improve and will help you surviving a marriage breakup.

If your partner is not doing well in a job, talk to him, reason out. This might be one of the reasons for your fights, you never know. If it is, then it is your duty to get him back to the life he was leading. If you cannot then you're emotional, mental and physical support will do all that you couldn't. This is a major reason for the fights between couples, if you happen to experience it then this the solution that will help you in surviving a marriage breakup.

Never involve your kids in the fight. They will feel miserable and absolutely not wanted. A child is a priceless gift given by god and is meant to be cherished all your life. Do not ever fight in front of them and never involve them. Confide in each other all the problems. If you can share the happiness with each other, surely you can also share the sorrows together. This will make your relationship grow strong.

Article Sources: http://ezinearticles.com/?Surviving-a-Marriage-Breakup---Everything-You-Need-to-Know-on-How-to-Survive-a-Breakup&id=3513591

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