Nov 15, 2009

Signs of Breaking Up Relationship Got Your Down? We Have a Simple Solution

Relationships mean emotional investment in a certain person. It takes a lot of work, a lot of patience, and a lot of optimism to be able to make it work between two people. However, it is inevitable that some relationships will have to see their end and whether we believe it or not, there are always the tell-tale signs that a breakup is looming in the horizon. As tragic as it sounds, breakups are among those unavoidable, though greater, relationship problems.

So what are some of these give away clues that signal the possible end of a once joyous pairing? Well, in fact, most of these signs are simple and easily read – most people just go into denial when they do start noticing these things. The bottom line of every break up is that the relationship isn’t what it used to be and one, or both, of the partners no longer find joy in it. Here are some of those early signs of breaking up relationship:

1. Spending time alone seems like a chore. Whether it be on your side or your partner’s, when spending quality time together occurs less and less and seems to be more of a requirement than a willing action, then it could mean that your relationship is slowly dwindling. A good test of this would be to observe the conversations you have. If talking becomes difficult, then this could be a signal.

2. Comparing your partner to other people. It’ human nature to want what we don’t have but when this happens to a great degree in people, then this is one of those signs of breaking up relationship. You start to compare when you are unhappy and if this happens, then a re-evaluation of the relationship is in order.

3. The relationship has turned one-sided. When it’s just one person who seems to be doing all the giving or enjoying getting, then the relationship might be in trouble. As we all know, it’s always a two way street and when only one person works in the relationship, then there’s definitely something fishy going on.

4. Criticizing your partner. One of the most common signs of breaking up relationship is when you start to notice all the wrongs in your partner – may it be big or small.

5. Fights occur more often. When couples start to fight constantly about every petty little thing, then this is a possible sign that the relationship is on the rocks.

With all these signs, what is good relationship problem advice to go with it? First, recognize and address these signals, even though they may be difficult to accept. The sooner you accept the reality of the situation, the better it will be for you and everyone involved. Signs of breaking up relationship doesn’t have to mean the end of the world for you. Instead, take it as a time to re-focus and a chance for better, greener pastures.

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